The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLIV-4/W3-2020
23 Nov 2020
 | 23 Nov 2020


N. El-Bakkouri and T. Mazri

Keywords: Smart Health, Internet of things, smart environment, IoT Attacks, Smart Healthcare, threat security

Abstract. The Internet of Things had become more usually those recent years, it helps the human to be connected to every devices, to The Internet of Things had become more usually those recent years, it helps the human to be connected to every devices, to communicate and to share information for each other, the IoT gives many benefits to HealthCare systems and applications, it help to diagnostic and to monitor patients more closely and easier, but as other domain based on technologies, the smart Health use IT programs and Wireless network to exchange and analyse data which may be stooling by attackers if it doesn't secured and controlled permanently, as a fact of this weakness, it's possible to injure or kill some patient without being detected, this article discussing the Smart Health system, its benefits and examples of its using, also, it gives a view about security issues that can touch to this domain and best practice to follow for securing, detecting and avoiding security risks.