The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLIII-B4-2021
30 Jun 2021
 | 30 Jun 2021


M. Buyukdemircioglu and S. Kocaman

Keywords: Geovisualization, Aerial Photogrammetry, Flight Planning, Spatiotemporal Visualization, 3D, Web, Cesium, Quality Assessment

Abstract. Spatiotemporal data visualization plays an important role for simulating the changes over time and representing dynamic geospatial phenomena. In aerial photogrammetry, image acquisition is the most important stage for obtaining high-quality products; and can be affected by various factors such as the weather and illumination conditions, imaging geometry, etc. 3D simulation of the aircraft trajectories at the planning stage helps the flight planners to make better decisions especially for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) missions in areas with mixed land use land cover, such as rugged topography, water bodies, restricted areas, etc.; since images with poor texture or large differences in scale may deteriorate the quality of the final products. In this study, a geovisualization approach for photogrammetric flights carried out with UAVs or airplane platforms was implemented using CesiumJS Virtual Globe. The measured flight trajectory parameters, such as image perspective centre coordinates and the camera rotations, the time of acquisition, and the interior orientation parameters (IOPs) of the camera were used for spatiotemporal visualization. In the developed approach, the EOPs and IOPs of the images were utilized to reconstruct the flight paths, the camera position, the footprints of the acquired images on the ground, and the rotation of the aircraft; and to present them on a 3D web environment precisely. The approach was demonstrated by using two case studies, one from a UAV flight mission and the other one from an airplane carried out with a large-format aerial camera.