The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLII-2/W18
29 Nov 2019
 | 29 Nov 2019


D. Palomba, M. Campi, V. Cirillo, A. di Luggo, M. Facchini, R. Iaderosa, D. Iovane, and O. Zerlenga

Keywords: photogrammetric techniques, 3D reconstruction, Cultural Heritage, Point clouds, multi-scalar surveys

Abstract. This study is part of a much wider project in which professors and researchers from the University of Naples Federico II and the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli are collaborating in different subject areas. The object of study is the ancient Sanctuary of Montevergine characterized by a long history of transformations and stratifications. Driven by the desire to fill a singular gap, linked to the lack of a systematic and comprehensive study of a complex whose first settlement dates back to the early 12th century, various studies have been started relating to the historical, artistic and architectural aspects.

Various surveying techniques and methods had to be used due to its architectural, compositional and settlement characteristics. Integrated 3D surveying technologies were used for both the cognitive studies of the entire complex as well as for investigating and detecting the elements at different scales, ranging from the architectural to the detailed ones.