The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XL-3/W1
05 Mar 2014
 | 05 Mar 2014

UAS Mapping as an alternative for land surveying techniques?

L. Devriendt and J. Bonne

Keywords: UAS Mapping, Stereo Photogrammetry, low-altitude high-precision mapping

Abstract. Can a UAS mapping technique compete with standard surveying techniques? Since the boom in different RPAS (remotely piloted air system), UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), or UAS (unmanned aerial system), this is one of the crucial questions when it comes to UAS mappings. Not the looks and feels are important but the reliability, ease-to-use, and accuracy that you get with a system based on hardware and corresponding software. This was also one of the issues that the Dutch Land Registry asked a few months ago aimed at achieving an effective and usable system for updating property boundaries in new-build districts. Orbit GT gave them a ready-made answer: a definitive outcome based on years of research and development in UAS mapping technology and software.