The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XXXVIII-4/W19
07 Sep 2012
 | 07 Sep 2012


F. A. Mkrtchyan, V. I. Kovalev, and V. V. Klimov

Keywords: Spectroellipsometry, GIMS-Technology, Multi-channel Spectroellipsometer, Expert System, Pollution spots, Classification, Identification

Abstract. The creation of multichannel polarization optical instrumentation and use of spectroellipsometric technology are very important for the real-time ecological control of aquatic environment. Spectroellipsometric devices give us high precision of measurements. This report is aimed to describe:

•A technology of combined use of spectroellipsometry and algorithms of identification and recognition that allowed the creation of a standard integral complex of instrumental, algorithmic, modular and software tools for the collection and processing of data on the aquatic environment quality with forecasting and decision - making functions.
•A compact measuring - information multichannel spectroellipsometric system (device) for monitoring the quality of aquatic environment, that is based on the combined use of spectroellipsometry and training, classification, and identification algorithms. This spectroellipsometric system will differ from modern foreign analogues by the use of a new and very promising method of ellipsometric measurements, an original element base of polarization optics and a complex mathematical approach to estimating the quality of a water object subjected to anthropogenic influence.

Unlike foreign analogues, the system has no rotating polarization elements. This allows one to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and the long-term stability of measurements, to simplify and reduce the price of multichannel spectroellipsometers. The system will be trainable to the recognition of the pollutants of aquatic environment.
A spectroellipsometer in laboratories of V.A. Kotelnikov's Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences is designed for in-situ real time measurements of spectra of ellipsometric parameters Psi and Delta with consequent changeover to spectra of transmitted and reflected signal from water media in frames of used physical model of water environment.